Deutsche Welle Science Unscripted

Science Unscripted

From advances that will change our lives to offbeat oddities, Spectrum keeps you abreast of developments in the realm of European science and technology news.
Weekly English Germany Science · Technology
49 Episodes
1 – 20

Want the job? Post a 'Duchenne' smile

Fake smiles aren't just bad for Instagram. They're bad for your reputation. That's the implication of a new study — with clear consequences for LinkedIn... and maybe your life? (Also, come with us to see Europe's 'answer to ChatGPT.')
4 Oct 30 min

Assert yourself (especially if your partner drinks)

Alcohol? Bad for us. But a fascinating new study looks at what happens to person who's watching the drinking happen. Also, college kids in Egypt saw their depression/anxiey/stress drop... by getting a crash course on 'assertiveness.'
23 Sep 30 min

A dyslexia breakthrough

With the help of a powerful MRI, researchers in Germany have discovered where dyslexia appears to happen deep inside the human brain (in males). The peppercorn-sized structure may become the target of therapies for millions of people.
6 Sep 11 min

Weekly roundup — My phone can smell things?

Ever take out your phone to identify a song that's playing near you? Pretty soon, you'll be able to do the same with smells. Also, fruit flies may have just given scientists the secret to happy hour.
31 Aug 30 min

Are you 'symbiosexual'?

Demisexual, graysexual, pomosexual — it's hard to keep track of the (expanding) list of human sexualities. The Harvard Pleasure study just added another.
30 Aug 11 min

Weekly roundup — Together again

It's been a long, chaotic and somewhat dangerous summer for the hosts of Science unscripted. It's time to catch up on that — and on the beautiful emails you've sent along the way.
24 Aug 30 min

What is 'benevolent' sexism?

All sexism is bad. But the kind you're probably most familiar with is called 'hostile' in science literature. So what is 'benevolent' sexism? And how's it connected to cheating on your partner?
23 Aug 17 min

Will mpox become the next pandemic?

As mpox spreads to Europe and Asia — and the WHO declares a public health emergency — a leading German virologist explains what we know (and don't know) about the infectious disease.
22 Aug 13 min

Weekly roundup — Oceans on Mars?

The discovery of gigantic resevoirs of water deep under the surface of Mars has implications for whether life was — or might be — possible on our hideous red neighbor.
17 Aug 30 min

Human Hobbits really existed?

With the help of an astute Australian reporter (who incidentally has joined the DW Science team), let's travel back in time to an Indonesian island and meet the smallest hominids ever.
15 Aug 14 min

Gabe & Conor got burgled (true crime episode)

When both hosts of Science unscripted see their homes burglarized within a span of weeks, they get help from a detective named Roland and come to a gut-wrenching realization.
1 Aug 30 min

Sexual double standards & better sleep

Women, not men, are viewed more favorably if they've had a few recent sexual partners... even if a German study appears to suggest the opposite. Also, if you're gonna do some late-night scrolling (because who doesn't), do it right.
25 Jul 18 min
1 – 20