Cape Pulpit / Kaapse Kansel FOCUS & FOKUS DEVOTIONALS


Kickstart your day with inspiration, spiritual growth, and powerful reflections through Focus (in English) and Fokus (in Afrikaans), your daily 30-minute devotional broadcasts on Radio Cape Pulpit 729AM. Hosted by a dynamic group of spiritual leaders, including Brian de Villiers, Jacques Malan, Elza Meyer, and more, each episode is designed to provide daily encouragement and practical insights to strengthen your faith and enrich your life.

In every episode of Focus and Fokus, you'll discover uplifting discussions on living a purpose-driven life, deepening your relationship with God, and applying biblical wisdom in everyday situations. These devotionals are crafted to inspire hope, empower spiritual growth, and equip you with the tools to navigate life's challenges with faith and confidence.

Expect thought-provoking talks on topics like personal growth, faith, motivation, and overcoming adversity, as well as meaningful reflections that challenge you to grow spiritually. Whether you listen to Focus (English) or Fokus (Afrikaans), you’ll find encouragement and practical guidance to live authentically and purposefully.

By tuning in to Radio Cape Pulpit 729AM, you become part of a community of believers who are dedicated to growing in faith together. Join us each morning for a fresh start filled with divine inspiration and a renewed sense of God’s presence in your life.

Don't miss out on these empowering devotionals that will help you live fully and authentically in faith. Whether you're in search of daily inspiration, spiritual support, or meaningful biblical teachings, Focus and Fokus are here to provide the encouragement you need to thrive.

Tune in daily on Radio Cape Pulpit 729AM and make each morning count with Focus (English) and Fokus (Afrikaans) devotionals. Let’s journey together in faith and experience the transformative power of daily spiritual inspiration.
Daily English South Africa Christianity Narrated by Brian de Villiers, Jacques Malan, Elza Meyer
298 Episodes
40 – 60

JACQUES MALAN - Reinheid in Jou Lewe: Hoe om 'n Heilige Lewe te Leef

In hierdie inspirerende episode van FOKUS, gesels Jacques Malan oor die belangrikheid van reinheid in jou lewe. Hy duik in die konsep van heiligheid en wat dit werklik beteken om 'n rein lewe in ooreenstemming met God se wil te lei. Jacques verduidelik dat heiligheid nie net gaan oor uiterlike…
26 Nov 2024 10PM 8 min

BRIAN DE VILLIERS - Living the Christian Life with Christ as Our Life

Pastor Brian de Villiers explores what it truly means to live the Christian life, based on Colossians 3:4: "When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory." He dives deep into the question, What is a Christian? and emphasizes that it’s not about…
25 Nov 2024 10PM 24 min

ELZA MEYER - Dissipelskap (Deel 1)

Elza Meyer bespreek die tema van Discipleskap (Deel 1). Sy begin deur te verduidelik hoe Jesus die twaalf dissipels geroep het om naby aan Hom te wees, wat meer behels as net volgeling wees—dit is oor 'n diep, persoonlike verhouding met Hom. Sy wys daarop dat die roeping van Jesus…
21 Nov 2024 10PM 11 min

BRIAN DE VILLIERS - The Five-Fold Blessing of God: Forgiveness, Healing, and Renewal

In this inspiring episode of Pastor Brian de Villiers' podcast, he delves into the five-fold blessing of God based on Psalm 103:1-5. Pastor Brian highlights five key blessings that God promises to His followers: forgiveness of sins, healing of diseases, redemption from destruction, God's loving kindness and mercy, and the…
11 Nov 2024 10PM 22 min

JACQUES MALAN - Kennis van die Vaders: Die Krag van Geestelike Leierskap in Gesinne

In hierdie Fokus episode deel Jacques Malan sy waardevolle insigte oor die krag van vaderskap en geestelike leierskap. Hy bespreek hoe die kennis van God, sowel as die wysheid wat in vaderskap gesetel is, die fondament kan vorm vir sterk gesinne en gemeenskappe. Jacques verduidelik hoe vaders, deur die toepassing…
5 Nov 2024 10PM 9 min

BRIAN DE VILLIERS - Finding Divine Support: Our Helper in Every Time of Need

Pastor Brian de Villiers delves into the theme "Our Helper in Every Time of Need," based on Hebrews 13:6. He emphasizes that the Lord is our Helper, providing adequate, always available, and personalized support for every believer. Pastor de Villiers highlights key aspects of divine assistance, including God’s abundant resources,…
4 Nov 2024 10PM 23 min

JACQUES MALAN - Beginsels van Beskerming

Jacques Malan bespreek die beginsels van beskerming. Hy benadruk die belangrikheid van God se beskerming deur gehoorsaamheid aan sy opdragte, met verwysing na die verhaal van hoe Josef Jesus en Maria teen koning Herodes beskerm het. Jacques gebruik die Israeliete se uittog uit Egipte om te illustreer dat ware beskerming…
29 Oct 2024 11PM 8 min

BRIAN DE VILLIERS - Jesus: The Perfecter of Faith - Insights from Hebrews

Pastor Brian DeVilliers explores the theme of Jesus as the "Perfecter of Faith," drawing from Hebrews 11 and 12. He highlights the struggles and triumphs of biblical figures who demonstrated remarkable faith despite their imperfections, emphasizing that while they inspire us, Jesus is the ultimate example of perfect faith. Pastor…
28 Oct 2024 11PM 24 min

ELZA MEYER - Psalm 91 (Deel 5)

Die gesprek fokus op geestelike temas, spesifiek die krag van God as El Shaddai, die Almagtige en Algenoegsame God. Elza verduidelik dat alhoewel Christene nie 'n probleemvrye lewe het nie, hulle kan vertrou dat God altyd by hulle is, selfs in tye van nood. Daar word ook stories vertel om…
24 Oct 2024 11PM 13 min

JACQUES MALAN - God se genade in die lewens van gelowiges

Die program bespreek die tema van God se genade in die lewens van gelowiges. Jacques moedig luisteraars aan om die genade wat hulle ontvang het, raak te sien, te waardeer en uit te leef. Hy verduidelik hoe genade deur nederigheid versterk word en dat dit onverdiende seëninge bring. Daar word…
22 Oct 2024 11PM 6 min

ELZA MEYER - Psalm 91 (Deel 4)

Elza fokus op Psalm 91 en die sewe dinge wat God graag vir sy mense wil doen. El Shaddai, of die Algenoegsame God, word as die middelpunt van die boodskap uitgebeeld. Elza verduidelik hoe God beskerming, verlossing, en voorsiening bied aan diegene wat Hom liefhet en op sy Naam roep…
17 Oct 2024 11PM 11 min

JACQUES MALAN - Die Woord staan vas

Die gesprek fokus op die krag en ewige geldigheid van God se woord, en die belangrikheid daarvan om in geloof vas te hou aan die beloftes wat in die Bybel vervat is. Jacque bespreek hoe God se woord betroubaar is, ongeag die uitdagings of omstandighede waarmee mense te kampe het…
15 Oct 2024 11PM 7 min

BRIAN DE VILLIERS - Understanding Hebrews 10:14: Christ's All-Sufficient Sacrifice

In this podcast, Pastor Brian DeVilliers dives deep into the book of Hebrews, highlighting the essential truths found in Hebrews 10:14. He emphasizes the significance of Christ's all-sufficient sacrifice for sin, contrasting it with the repetitive offerings of Old Testament priests. Listeners will gain valuable insights into Jesus as our…
14 Oct 2024 11PM 22 min

JACQUES MALAN - Verder as jouself

Die gesprek fokus op die konsep om verder as jouself te kyk, en hoe geloof in God mense kan help om hul vermoëns te oortref. Sprekers bespreek Bybelse verse wat aanmoedig om nie net op menslike vermoëns te vertrou nie, maar op Goddelike krag, insluitend Filipense 4:13 en Matteus 17:20…
8 Oct 2024 11PM 6 min

BRIAN DE VILLIERS - The three Appearings of Christ

In this podcast, Pastor Brian de Villiers explores the three appearances of Christ as described in Hebrews 9:26, 24, and 28. He discusses how these verses highlight Jesus' first appearance to remove sin through His sacrifice, His current role in heaven interceding for believers, and His future return for salvation…
7 Oct 2024 11PM 24 min
40 – 60