Cape Pulpit / Kaapse Kansel FOCUS & FOKUS DEVOTIONALS


Kickstart your day with inspiration, spiritual growth, and powerful reflections through Focus (in English) and Fokus (in Afrikaans), your daily 30-minute devotional broadcasts on Radio Cape Pulpit 729AM. Hosted by a dynamic group of spiritual leaders, including Brian de Villiers, Jacques Malan, Elza Meyer, and more, each episode is designed to provide daily encouragement and practical insights to strengthen your faith and enrich your life.

In every episode of Focus and Fokus, you'll discover uplifting discussions on living a purpose-driven life, deepening your relationship with God, and applying biblical wisdom in everyday situations. These devotionals are crafted to inspire hope, empower spiritual growth, and equip you with the tools to navigate life's challenges with faith and confidence.

Expect thought-provoking talks on topics like personal growth, faith, motivation, and overcoming adversity, as well as meaningful reflections that challenge you to grow spiritually. Whether you listen to Focus (English) or Fokus (Afrikaans), you’ll find encouragement and practical guidance to live authentically and purposefully.

By tuning in to Radio Cape Pulpit 729AM, you become part of a community of believers who are dedicated to growing in faith together. Join us each morning for a fresh start filled with divine inspiration and a renewed sense of God’s presence in your life.

Don't miss out on these empowering devotionals that will help you live fully and authentically in faith. Whether you're in search of daily inspiration, spiritual support, or meaningful biblical teachings, Focus and Fokus are here to provide the encouragement you need to thrive.

Tune in daily on Radio Cape Pulpit 729AM and make each morning count with Focus (English) and Fokus (Afrikaans) devotionals. Let’s journey together in faith and experience the transformative power of daily spiritual inspiration.
Daily English South Africa Christianity Narrated by Brian de Villiers, Jacques Malan, Elza Meyer
298 Episodes
60 – 80

JACQUES MALAN - Jou siening op die lewe

02.10.2024 - Die gesprek fokus op 'n Christelik-geïnspireerde wêreldbeskouing en hoe dit verskil van 'n wêreldse siening. Die Jacques beklemtoon die belangrikheid van geestelike rigting in ons lewens en hoe die Bybel as riglyn dien om 'n wêreldbeskouing te vorm wat gebaseer is op God se woord. Hy waarsku teen…
1 Oct 2024 11PM 7 min

BRIAN DE VILLIERS - Coming boldly to God

Pastor Brian de Villiers discusses the theme of coming boldly to God, drawing on Hebrews 4:14-16. He emphasizes that Jesus is our great high priest who understands our weaknesses and invites us to approach the throne of grace confidently. He compares the access believers now have to God's presence with…
23 Sep 2024 11PM 23 min
60 – 80