BRIAN DE VILLIERS - The Guarded Life: Kept by God's Power

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In today's inspiring message, Pastor Brian de Villiers continues his series Living the Life that Wins, diving into the powerful truth of being "Kept by the Power of God." Drawing from scriptures like 1 Peter 1:5, Jude 1:24, and 2 Timothy 4:18, Pastor Brian explores how God's sustaining power preserves believers through every season of life—from the struggles of youth to the challenges of later years. He highlights the role of faith, the Holy Spirit, and God's promises in guarding us from temptation, fear, and the schemes of the enemy. Tune in and be encouraged as you learn how God's keeping power is available to you every day, guarding your heart, mind, and soul.
9 Dec 2024 10PM English South Africa Christianity

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