Religion & Spirituality

Podcast shows
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Podcast · The Voice of the Cape
Monday to Friday, 05h00 to 06h30 on VOC 91.3fm. The early morning time is of course that perfect time when we ponder, connect and reflect with each other & by extension, with our Lord, when the heart can be present, alert and free of worldly concerns. In our 90 minutes…
17 Oct 2019 857 episodes English Religion & Spirituality

Aanbid saam met Dawie

Podcast · Baasraak Radio
Hallo my naam is Dawie Fourie. Laat my toe om jou so bietjie van myself te vertel. ek is gebore op 12 Augustus 1966 in Krugersdorp Gauteng, Een van ‘n identiese tweeling. Van kindsbeen af versot op musiek, en dit het sy hoogte punt gekry toe ek geleer was om…
25 Apr 2022 14 episodes Afrikaans Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Alive with Joseph Nwokocha

Podcast · Solid Gold Podcasts #BeHeard
To Educate, Inspire and provoke a Transformation.
20 Feb 2023 91 episodes English Religion & Spirituality

Arabic Lesson

Podcast · Markaz Sahaba Online Radio
Tune to MSOR Arabic lesson every Friday from 14:00 to 14:30 Host By Ml Khalid Yacob
12 Feb 2020 15 episodes Arabic Explicit Islam · Religion & Spirituality

As the Sun Sets

Podcast · Radio Veritas
Official evening prayer of the Church - The Liturgy of the Hours - and daily reflections with Fr Emil Blaser OP.
18 Aug 2016 136 episodes English Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Atman se Tronkdagboek

Podcast · Baasraak Radio
Ek is Willem Adriaan Samuels maar ook bekend as Attie of Atman,. Vir die afgelope 11 jaar is ek getroud met my lieflike vroutjie Olivia. Ons het nie kinders saam maar ek het twee pragtige dogters en sy twee lieflike seuns voor die huwelik. Dit word aangevul met vyf kleinseuns…
2 Aug 2022 4 episodes Afrikaans Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Baasraak saam Coach Freek

Podcast · Baasraak Radio
Freek Vermaak se aangrypende lewensverhaal het aan hom die platform gebied om al vir 23 jaar ‘n inspirasie te wees vir baie. Dit bemoedig oud en jonk in tronke, skole, rehabilitasie sentrums, sport spanne, kerke en besighede met ‘n kragtige boodskap van hoop! Freek se van is nie verniet, Vermaak…
7 May 53 episodes Afrikaans Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Bible Perspective

Podcast · Radio Pulpit
Deep theology & down-to-earth applicability. Bible Perspective looks at aspects of life through clear, Biblical lenses with Pastor David de Bruyn.
6 Oct 132 episodes English Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Bible Perspective

Podcast · Adventist World Radio SIDmedia
Bible Perspective brings your bible answer to day-to-day issues. The show also looks at how people in the bible dealt with issues we deal with today. Presented by Zanele Zama, the show also looks at what the bible says on issues and tries to find answers where there are blurred…
27 Sep 59 episodes English Christianity · Religion & Spirituality


Podcast · Radio Tygerberg 104FM
Word geïnspireer deur Tygerberg 104fm se daaglikse boodskappe, aangebied deur verskeie predikers van verskillende denominasies. Die Aandboodskap word elke aand, van Maandag tot Donderdag, en op Sondagaande om 19:30, en die Sondagoggend boodskap om 10:00 uitgesaai op Tygerberg 104fm.
1 Oct 1PM 100 episodes Afrikaans Religion & Spirituality

Book Readings - "When the Moon Split"

Series · The Voice of the Cape
All book readings done on VOC 91.3fm at 08h50 daily. Current reading is from, "When the moon split - a biography of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him)". Compiled by Safiur-Rahman Mubarakpuri. The reading is done by Mishka Daries.
20 Oct 2015 80 episodes English Religion & Spirituality

Born to serve

Podcast · The Voice of the Cape
“Born to Serve is a one hour magazine programme inspired by verse 30 in Surah Baqarah that translates as "Verily I will create a khalifah on the earth” (Qur'an 2:30). The programme focusses on leaders who fulfill this role as khalifah, both living & passed on. We will conduct local…
26 Oct 2019 87 episodes English Religion & Spirituality

Bridges of Hope with Pastor John Mathuhle

Podcast · Baasraak Radio
Bridges Of Hope is a weekly podcast by a renown motivational speaker & Cultural Intelligence Coach, Facilitator and Bridge builder. John Mathuhle. " Building bridges that connects destinies"
10 Oct 2023 9 episodes English Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Called to Serve

Podcast · Radio Veritas
Taking a peek into priesthood and religious life, yesterday today and tomorrow . . .
20 Feb 3 episodes English Religion & Spirituality


Podcast · The Voice of the Cape
A late night show focusing on issues of community interest and concerns. Yusuf Fisher also throws in good entertainment and always has time for a walk down memory lane.
5 Jul 2021 145 episodes English Religion & Spirituality

Catholic Corner

Podcast · Radio Veritas
Presented by Robert Doyle, Jabulile Mazibuko, Eldero van Heerden and Lisa Cruickshank, Catholic Corner is a programme particularly for the COVID-19 lockdown period in South Africa. The presenter prays the various prayers of the Church and plays Catholic hymns and
27 Apr 2020 4 episodes English Religion & Spirituality · Education

Catholic View

Podcast · Radio Veritas
Current Catholic News and updates
15 Feb 11AM 137 episodes English Religion & Spirituality

Changing Gear Afternoon Drive

Podcast · Radio Veritas
An afternoon drive show with a difference. Presented by Fr Brian Mhlanga OP on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; Fr Thabo Motshegwa on Tuesdays and Archbishop William Slattery OFM on Thursdays.
21 Feb 2019 11AM 422 episodes English Religion & Spirituality

Changing Perspectives

Podcast · Active FM
'Changing Perspectives, Everyday' will open up your mind to a different way of thinking. After all, as we think, so are we. Become the change that you would like to see, by simply changing your perspective.
28 May 94 episodes English Religion & Spirituality · Education
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