Callum MacPherson gesels hierdie week oor die noodsaaklikheid van kennis oor noodhulp hê wanneer klein kinders of kinders met spesiale behoeftes teenwoordig is.
Season 1 / Episode 9
22 Jan 2024
Read by Cindy Coetzee
South Africa
Education · Society & Culture
Na Thobile Nyathi se 2-jarige met outisme gediagnoseer is, het sy besef haar veel ouer seun is ook op die spektrum. Sy sê sy sien baie eienskappe daarvan ook in haarself.
Heather Swartz is die ma van twee seuns op die outisme spektrum. Tyrone, met wie ons verlede week gesels het, het Asperger sindroom, en Dylan is nie-verbaal. Sy vertel van die uitdagings en vreugde wat daarmee gepaard gaan om hul ouers te wees in hierdie week se episode.
Rona Joubert is hierdie week ons programgas. Die holistiese geneser by BluePhoenix Yoga & Sound Therapy sê elke mens moet in balans wees om optimaal te funksioneer.
Cindy Coetzee, the founder of the Indigo Smiles Autism Foundation, is also a qualified chef and has taken a heightened interest in nutrition since her son wat diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum. She shares good advice with Ludi and Mireille. may request cookies to be stored on our device. We use cookies to understand how you interact with us, to enrich and personalise your experience, to enable social media functionality and to provide more relevant advertising. Using the sections below you can customise which cookies we're allowed to store. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience.