BRIAN DE VILLIERS - Coming boldly to God

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Pastor Brian de Villiers discusses the theme of coming boldly to God, drawing on Hebrews 4:14-16. He emphasizes that Jesus is our great high priest who understands our weaknesses and invites us to approach the throne of grace confidently.

He compares the access believers now have to God's presence with the Jewish Day of Atonement, where the high priest would enter the Holy of Holies once a year. With Jesus’ sacrifice, this access has been made available to all believers at all times, breaking down the barriers that once existed.

Pastor de Villiers highlights the significance of Jesus' resurrection and the imagery of the angels at the tomb, relating it to the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant. He encourages listeners to seek mercy and grace in their times of need, asserting that God's love and forgiveness are available through faith in Jesus.

He concludes with a call for anyone who hasn't accepted Christ to open their hearts to Him, reinforcing that through Jesus, everyone can find help, healing, and strength. The podcast aims to inspire confidence in God's grace and accessibility through Christ.
23 Sep 2024 11PM English South Africa Christianity

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