Teacher unions slam Education Minister for snubbing BELA Bill signing ceremony

Some teacher unions have slammed Basic Education Minister Siviwe Gwarube for snubbing a ceremony where President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the controversial Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill. The unions described her failure to attend the event at the Union Buildings as "regrettable" and "unfortunate" and said "she should be a servant of all the people and not for a particular grouping". The South African Democratic Teachers' Union (Sadtu) said that if Gwarube could not be a minister for all South Africans, she should rather quit. Phemelo speaks to Sadtu Spokesperson, Nomusa Cembi.
16 Sep 5PM English South Africa Education · Careers

Other recent episodes

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POV IMBIZO: Bela Act (part 2)

Phemelo continues her discussion on the Bela Act with Equal Education Secretary General, Noncedo Madubedube. In part 2 of the conversation Madubedube looks at grade R and disability amongst other amendments.
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Ramaphosa addresses 79th Session of the UN General Assembly

President Cyril Ramaphosa was the first African leader to address the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, where he spoke on several issues, including the country’s ongoing case against Israel’s military operation in Gaza at the International Court of Justice
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Decolonising the curriculum at SA universities

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Music Feature: SA Heritage

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