The Evan Bray Show - Robert MacKay - October 3rd, 2024

Law enforcement when it comes to the issue of cannabis-impaired driving is becoming more contentious as police share that more of these traffic stops are being made. What rights do drivers have, what protocol do police need to follow and are these the correct actions to be taking? Evan speaks with MacKay and McLean lawyer and partner, Robert MacKay to answer some of these questions.
3 Oct 1PM English Canada News Commentary

Other recent episodes

The Evan Bray Show - Sylvain Charlebois - October 4th, 2024

Food distribution and policy professor at Dalhousie University Agri-Food Analytics Lab, Dr. Sylvain Charlebois, is claiming that research suggests a change in Canadian drinking habits -- namely, that Canadians are putting down their bottles and coupes with the burden of inflation. He joins Evan to discuss his findings.
4 Oct 1PM 26 min

The Evan Bray Show - Sandra Masters - October 4th, 2024

The City of Regina has released the results of its pre-budget survey and on Wednesday, Regina City Council approved a $4 million bailout for Regina Exhibition Association Limited (REAL). Mayor of Regina, Sandra Masters, joins Evan to discuss these economic developments in the city.
4 Oct 11AM 18 min