BRIAN DE VILLIERS - Christ is Enough: Embracing Faith, Purpose, and Hope in Everyday Life

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In this inspiring episode of Focus on the Word, Pastor Brian de Villiers explores the life-changing truth that Christ is enough. Based on John 12:20-21, Pastor Brian unpacks the powerful question asked by the Greeks, "Sir, we wish to see Jesus," and reflects on the sufficiency of Jesus in every aspect of our lives. No matter the struggles we face — from personal challenges, doubts, and fear to suffering and loss — Pastor Brian reminds us that Jesus offers everything we need. His presence, guidance, and love are all-sufficient, providing peace and purpose through life's ups and downs.

Throughout the episode, Pastor Brian addresses practical concerns such as how Christ meets our needs in daily life, the importance of trusting Jesus during difficult times, and how He works through our doubts, failures, and fears. With real-life examples and biblical insights, this episode will encourage listeners to trust in Jesus as their ultimate source of strength and hope. Whether you're seeking purpose, facing tough decisions, or navigating life's storms, Pastor Brian shows that Jesus is the answer. Tune in to hear why Christ is enough and how He can transform your everyday life.
18 Nov 2024 10PM English South Africa Christianity

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