BRIAN DE VILLIERS - Living the Christian Life with Christ as Our Life

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Pastor Brian de Villiers explores what it truly means to live the Christian life, based on Colossians 3:4: "When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory." He dives deep into the question, What is a Christian? and emphasizes that it’s not about church attendance, good deeds, or self-reformation. Rather, becoming a Christian means receiving a new life — the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor Brian explains how we can be born again, how accepting Christ into our lives transforms us, and how the Christian life is not a life of self-effort, but of living in Christ’s life.

This episode encourages listeners to examine where Christ truly resides in their hearts and to invite Him to lead their lives, as Pastor Brian shares his personal testimony of 55 years of walking with Christ.
25 Nov 2024 10PM English South Africa Christianity

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