XOLILE GWENGU - Ndiyazi izicwangciso endinazo ngawe (I know the plans I have for you)
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Kweli podcast, uXolile Gwengu uxoxa ngezicwangciso zempilo ezilungiselelwe umntu wonke ngumdali. Iinkcukacha eziya kunceda abaphulaphuli ukufumana ithemba, amandla, kunye nokuqonda indlela uThixo abahlela ngayo ukuze baphumelele ebomini babo.
In this podcast, Xolile Gwengu discusses the plans that God has for every individual’s life. This inspiring episode provides listeners with hope, strength, and understanding of how God’s guidance is designed to lead them to success and fulfillment in their lives.
In this podcast, Xolile Gwengu discusses the plans that God has for every individual’s life. This inspiring episode provides listeners with hope, strength, and understanding of how God’s guidance is designed to lead them to success and fulfillment in their lives.