Tsa Matsha

Tsa Matsha offers listeners Biblical counselling, comfort and companionship. The Word of God and guidance to strengthen you for the day ahead. The music for the programme is carefully selected to set an atmosphere of peace, strength and power.
Daily Xhosa South Africa Christianity · Christianity
726 Episodes
1 – 20

The death of Lazarus #3

Pastor Bongani Moyo continues teaching from the story of Lazarus in John 11:11-13, highlighting that what people may consider dead, Jesus refers to as merely sleeping. This illustrates that the way we perceive situations is different from how God sees them. Our challenges are never a surprise to God, and…
4 Oct 7AM 23 min

Trust in the Lord

Dr. Mary Masina is teaching on the importance of trusting in the Lord, drawing from 2 Kings 7:3-14. She emphasizes that God is able to make a way even when it seems like there is no way. The story of the four lepers illustrates this truth—they reasoned that staying where…
26 Sep 7AM 19 min

Be set apart

Dr. Mary Masina is teaching about being set apart, drawing from Genesis 11:1-14. We will focus on the phrase, "They settled and dwelt there," reflecting how they forgot God's command in Genesis 1:28 to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth. Often, we too become comfortable with where we are,…
26 Sep 7AM 20 min

The death of Lazarus #2

Pastor Bongani Moyo, drawing from the story of Lazarus in John 11:4-7, teaches that God's love surpasses any circumstance we face. Unlike the transactional love common in today's society—where affection is often tied to what one can give—God's love remains constant, unconditional, and unaffected by material conditions or external factors…
20 Sep 9AM 23 min

The death of Lazarus #1

Pastor Bongani Moyo, referencing John 11:1-6 and the story of Lazarus, teaches that life's challenges—whether they involve health, finances, business, or marriage—can affect anyone, regardless of their spiritual standing. Being saved or loving the Lord does not exempt one from facing difficulties. Every individual has a unique path, yet we…
17 Sep 2AM 22 min

There is power in the name of Jesus Christ

Pastor J M Mahlangu emphasizes the power in the name of Jesus Christ, as declared in Acts 4:12: "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved." When we pray in the name of Jesus,…
13 Sep 4AM 20 min

God's everlasting love

Pastor Bongani Ntuli emphasizes God's everlasting love as described in Romans 8:31-39. He explains that God's love is both deep and wide, encompassing everyone. As the Bible declares in 1 John 4:8, "God is love." This love is most profoundly demonstrated in John 3:16: "For God so loved the world…
13 Sep 3AM 19 min

Worshipping God for who he is #2

Pastor Bongani Ntuli continues his teaching on worshiping God for who He is. In Job 2:1-10, Satan once again attempts to discredit Job’s character, but Job unwaveringly upholds his integrity. We should not be defined by the things we possess, as they come and go.
12 Sep 9AM 19 min

Worshipping God for who he is #1

Pastor Bongani Ntuli teaches the importance of worshipping God for who He is, regardless of our circumstances. Drawing from Job 1:1-22, he highlights how God boasted to Satan about Job's unwavering faith. Even after Satan was granted permission to test him severely, Job continued to worship God, demonstrating that true…
12 Sep 8AM 19 min

Has the Holy Spirit come upon you?

Pastor J.M. Mahlangu poses a crucial question: "Has the Holy Spirit come upon you? If so, how and when? If not, why?" As believers, children of God, we need the power of the Holy Spirit as our source according to the book of Acts 1: 8
5 Sep 3AM 23 min

Living a holy life

Pastor J M Mahlangu emphasizes the importance of living a holy life, drawing from 1 Peter 1:13-16. He encourages us to be people of self-control, with minds that are sober and fully alert. We are called to live in a way that reflects God's holiness, aligning our thoughts and actions…
5 Sep 2AM 22 min

The food that I long for is to do the will of my father

Dr. Mary Masina reflects on the moment when Jesus declared, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent me" (John 4:34). This statement is part of the story of the Samaritan woman, whom Jesus encountered at the well. In their conversation, Jesus reveals to her, "I who…
4 Sep 5AM 22 min

He who believes will not be put to shame

Pastor Bongani Ntuli emphasizes the promise found in Romans 10:11-13, where the Scriptures reassure us with these powerful words: "Anyone who believes in Him (God) will never be put to shame." This passage offers profound encouragement, reminding us that true faith in God ensures that we will not be disgraced…
4 Sep 5AM 19 min

More like Jesus

Pastor Bongani Ntuli shares a message titled "More Like Jesus," drawing from Galatians 5:16-25. In this passage, the Apostle Paul writes to the Galatians, and by extension to us today, urging us to imitate Christ and strive to be like Him. Paul emphasizes that our actions reveal whether we are…
4 Sep 4AM 19 min

Where are the Esther's of today #2

Dr. Mary Masina continues her discussion on Esther 2, posing the powerful question, "Where are the Esthers of today?" She draws parallels between the stories of Esther and Ruth, highlighting their perseverance through challenging journeys. Reflecting on Ecclesiastes 3:1, which reminds us that everything under the sun has a purpose,…
21 Aug 9AM 20 min

Where are the Esther's of today? #1

Dr. Mary Masina discusses Esther 2, posing the question, "Where are the Esthers of today?" Esther grew up in a challenging environment, where her people were enslaved, and she tragically lost her parents at a young age. She was adopted by her cousin Mordecai, who raised her and taught her…
21 Aug 8AM 22 min

Break the chains of unbelief and repeated backsliding

Pastor J.M. Mahlangu addresses the crucial issue of breaking the chains of unbelief and repeated backsliding, referencing Matthew 13:58: "And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith." He emphasizes that many people accept the Lord as their Savior but struggle to maintain a steadfast…
6 Aug 9AM 23 min

Break the chains of generational curses

Pastor J.M. Mahlangu addresses the topic of breaking the chains of generational curses, drawing from Deuteronomy 5:9-10: "You shall not bow down and serve other gods, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth…
6 Aug 8AM 22 min

Whoever does not find God, hurts his soul

Pastor J M Mahlangu speaks of whoever does not find God, hurts his soul. Proverbs 8: 36 "But he who sins against me injures himself"/ All who hate me, love death" meaning those who miss the chance of finding God, hurt themselves. You cannot do this life without God; life…
6 Aug 8AM 21 min

Whose side are you on?

Pastor J M Mahlangu talks about "who's side are you on"? in the book of Joshua 5:13-19; and Matthew 6:24 "And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His…
6 Aug 7AM 20 min
1 – 20