
Pastors deliver sermons and teachings centered on the Word of God, addressing pertinent, everyday challenges to inspire and fortify Christians in their journey to overcome. The topics encompass spirituality as well as practical life challenges and sustenance. Our outreach extends to individuals of all demographics, including youth, men, women, married couples, widows, singles, and community leaders.
Weekly Setswana South Africa Religion & Spirituality · Christianity
26 Episodes
1 – 20

I the Lord has heard your cry

Bishop Mmusi teaches about God's attentiveness to the cries of His people, as seen in both Exodus 3:7-10 and 2 Kings 20:1-6. He highlights how, when Ezekiel was sick, God declared, "I have heard your cry," extending his life. Similarly, in Exodus, God heard the cries of the Israelites and…
4 Oct 8 min

Metsi a nnete a bophelo

Bishop Mmusi teaches about the true living water, drawing from Genesis 21:15-21 and John 4:7-12. He highlights Hagar's story, where she was used in Sarah and Abraham's situation, yet God saw her distress and showed up in her moment of need. Despite her circumstances, God revealed a well of living…
26 Sep 16 min

Dula Moreneng, maemo otlhe/ Just stay in the Lord

Bishop Mmusi encourages us to remain steadfast in the Lord, regardless of our circumstances, drawing from passages such as Ruth 1:8, 16-17; Ruth 4:13; and John 5:5-8. Just as Ruth vowed to Naomi, "Your God will be my God," we need a generation of believers who will say to God,…
26 Sep 12 min

Latlhela maemo otlhe go Modimo/ Present every situation to God

Bishop Mmusi emphasizes the importance of bringing every situation before God. Reflecting on 2 Kings 19:14-16 and 1 Chronicles 21:13, where David, in his distress, chooses to trust in God's mercy rather than rely on human intervention, and Hezekiah goes to the temple to seek God's help, we are reminded…
8 Aug 10 min

Sengwe le sengwe se na le nako/ There's time for everything

Bishop Mmusi emphasizes the importance of understanding that there is a time for everything, as outlined in Ecclesiastes 3:1-9. He warns that often, we try to impose our own desires and plans on God's timing. Even if you faithfully tithe and give offerings, you may still face financial struggles because…
8 Aug 14 min

Modimo ntire letlapa/ Lord make me a rock

Bishop Mmusi's sermon, "Lord, Make Me a Rock," draws from Numbers 20:7-11 and Matthew 16:13-18. In Matthew 16:18, Jesus says, "I will build my church upon this rock." Let this be our prayer: "Lord, make me a rock. Build Your church upon me." Despite the challenges we face, let us…
8 Aug 14 min

Rona re lesedi la lefatshe/ We are the light of the World

Bishop Mmusi talks about believers being the light of the World. Matthew 5 : 13 - 16 “You are the light of the world." In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Luke 22: 31…
8 Aug 13 min

Dula lentsweng la Modimo/ Being in the presence of God

Bishop Mmusi speaks about the importance of being in the presence of God, emphasizing that God is the Word. Referencing John 15:1-17, he explains that the Father is the gardener and we are the branches. Jesus states, "I am the vine; every branch in me that bears no fruit, He…
8 Aug 12 min

Humbleness/ Boikokobetso

Bishop Mmusi discusses the theme of humility, drawing from scriptures such as Psalm 51:4, James 4:10-11, and 1 John 1:8-10. He notes that despite David's transgressions before God, he remained humble. Bishop Mmusi emphasizes that God operates where there is humility, contrasting this with the pride prevalent today, where people…
23 Jul 10 min

Lord give me one more chance

Bishop J.M. Mmusi speaks on the theme of seeking another chance from God, drawing inspiration from Judges 16:28-30 and Luke 15:17-20. In Judges 16:28-30, Samson, in his final moments, pleads with God for one last opportunity to fulfill his mission and not die without accomplishing his divine purpose. Similarly, in…
26 Jun 10 min

Let us cry unto the Lord

Bishop J. M. Mmusi encourages us to cry out to the Lord, drawing from passages such as 1 Samuel 1:10, 12-18, and Jeremiah 31:15. The pastor unveils one of the profound secrets of prayer: that crying in silence can be powerful, as God hears and answers even the quietest of…
26 Jun 9 min

Let us have faith in the Lord

Bishop J.M. Mmusi's sermon focuses on the importance of faith, referencing Hebrews 11:11-12, 17-18. He emphasizes that faith without works is dead and reminds us of the heroes of faith from the scriptures. Bishop Mmusi encourages us to speak words of faith over our households, inspiring us to live out…
26 Jun 10 min

O bona eng mo gare ga matlhoko/ What do you see in the midst of pain and sorrow

Bishop J.M. Mmusi speaks on Acts 7:54-60, reflecting on what one perceives during times of pain. He highlights that when Stephen was in a moment of extreme suffering, he saw the Lord. This painful situation elevated Stephen's faith, allowing him to see beyond his immediate circumstances. The question posed to…
7 Jun 11 min

O se ke wa latlhegelwa ke Modimo/ Don't miss God

Bishop J.M. Mmusi refers to Judges 6:22-24 and 13:19-21, where Gideon and Manoah realize, only after the fact, that they were in the presence of the angel of the Lord. He emphasizes how often people recognize God's presence only after it has passed. Let's not make the mistake of failing…
7 Jun 8 min

Modimo Re fitlhe/ Hide us oh Lord

Bishop J.M. Mmusi reflects on Exodus 2:1-10 and Psalm 91:4, reminding us that we are living in challenging times, facing adversity. He encourages us to trust God to fight for us and not let fear take hold. Despite our circumstances, we must not give up. God is our refuge; He…
7 Jun 10 min

A re tshepeng Modimo/ Let's put our trust in God

Bishop J.M. Mmusi speaks on the importance of unwavering trust in God, referencing Joshua 24:15 and Daniel 3:16-18. In Joshua, we see the challenge presented to the people to choose whom they will serve, with Joshua declaring, "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Similarly,…
7 Jun 8 min

A re tshepeng Modimo/ let's put our trust in God

shop J.M. Mmusi speaks on the importance of unwavering trust in God, referencing Joshua 24:15 and Daniel 3:16-18. In Joshua, we see the challenge presented to the people to choose whom they will serve, with Joshua declaring, "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Similarly,…
7 Jun 8 min

Jesu o lelela lefatshe

Bishop J.M. Mmusi reflects on Genesis 45:1-3 and Luke 19:31-43. When Joseph saw his brothers, he wept; he didn't remind them of their past wrongs. Today, we need more people like Joseph—those who will weep for our nation, for their neighbors, for the hardships we face, and who will cry…
7 Jun 9 min

Pelo ya motho e a lapa

Bishop J M Mmusi delves into Proverbs 14:10, 13-14, 30, emphasizing that only God has the ability to truly know the depths of the human heart and to search it thoroughly. He underscores the weariness and burdens that can weigh down the human heart, cautioning against becoming a source of…
8 May 11 min

Dula o kgotlhelle, o tshepagetse

Bishop J.M. Mmusi discusses the message from Ruth 1:11, emphasizing the rarity and importance of individuals who uphold their commitments and remain steadfast in challenging circumstances. He highlights God's blessings upon those who remain faithful to their promises or vows.
8 May 9 min
1 – 20