Gabe & Conor got burgled (true crime episode)

When both hosts of Science unscripted see their homes burglarized within a span of weeks, they get help from a detective named Roland and come to a gut-wrenching realization.
1 Aug English Germany Science · Technology

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Want the job? Post a 'Duchenne' smile

Fake smiles aren't just bad for Instagram. They're bad for your reputation. That's the implication of a new study — with clear consequences for LinkedIn... and maybe your life? (Also, come with us to see Europe's 'answer to ChatGPT.')
4 Oct 30 min

Assert yourself (especially if your partner drinks)

Alcohol? Bad for us. But a fascinating new study looks at what happens to person who's watching the drinking happen. Also, college kids in Egypt saw their depression/anxiey/stress drop... by getting a crash course on 'assertiveness.'
23 Sep 30 min