Sindira Chetty, digital editor of Farmer’s Weekly, unpacks the latest edition of Farmer's Weekly, now in store. You can read more online at and follow them on social media.
Met die nuwe skooljaar wat vandeesweek afgeskop het, loer OFM Agri se Robyn Schutte in by Hendrik Potgieter Landbouskool op Reddersburg. Na ’n uitsonderlike 2024, met prestasies op verskeie terreine, hoop die skool om in 2025 op hul sukses te bou. Sy gesels met skoolhoof, Christi Swarts…
Sindira Chetty, digital editor of Farmer’s Weekly, unpacks the latest edition of Farmer's Weekly, now in store. You can read more online at and follow them on social media.
Die Agri Uur gaan voort om raad oor familiebesighede te deel van kenner Theo Vorster, die HUB van Galileo Capital. Hy het by verlede jaar se Agri Noord-Kaap kongres gepraat. In vandag se episode word opvolgbeplanning verder bespreek…
Die Agri Uur gaan voort om raad oor familiebesighede te deel van kenner Theo Vorster, die HUB van Galileo Capital. Hy het by verlede jaar se Agri Noord-Kaap kongres gepraat. Vandag se episode handel oor kritiese faktore wat oorweeg moet word om te bepaal of die plaas se besigheidsmodel ‘n… may request cookies to be stored on our device. We use cookies to understand how you interact with us, to enrich and personalise your experience, to enable social media functionality and to provide more relevant advertising. Using the sections below you can customise which cookies we're allowed to store. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience.